Mindful of Race

For many of us from the dominant culture, the events of the past few months have opened our eyes to how much we have to learn about the deep history of racism and the infinite ways in which its pervasive virulence continues to wound the world. In a recent talk, Jack Kornfield suggested that we each find a way to awaken our personal mindfulness around racial justice. He vowed to mention race in each of his talks. My own commitment is to educate myself broadly, and to share what I find most helpful.

This page, which takes its title from Ruth King’s profound book Mindful of Race, will list expansive reading lists and other resources. I will share links to books, articles, documentaries and other sources that I find particularly helpful in my effort toward self-education through blog posts, which you can find by clicking on “Mindful of Race” in the sidebar.

Anti-racism resources from Jack Kornfield

Anti-racism resources from Tara Brach.

Anti-racism resources for white people, a list developed by the black@Airbnb employee resource group.