The Tender Heart and Finding Refuge in the Body

This Week’s Mid-week Pause: Studies tell us that an ever-increasing percentage of people all over the world feel at odds with their bodies. The numbers are greater for women than for men, and for girls than for boys, but they are growing across all categories of gender, ethnicity, age and class as Big Beauty, Big Pharma, and the ubiquitous presence of social media conspire to tell us that we don’t measure up.

What might it feel like to experience tenderness, acceptance and gratitude for our bodies as they are, right here, right now?

What: 30 minute opening remarks and guided meditation, followed by an optional 15-minute exercise to help integrate this mindfulness practice into your day.

When: Wednesday, February 24, 1:00 – 1:45 pm Mountain Time.

Where: Zoom. To join the announcement list and receive the Zoom link, please send your name, phone number (so we know you are not a bot), and email address to      Be sure to add this email to your address book so the announcements don’t go to spam.