Invitations: Mindfulness of Breath


Three Invitations:

• How do you want this pandemic to change you? Write down whatever arose for you during tonight’s talk, and revisit the question through the week.

• Commit to a period of practice every day. It can be as short as five minutes, but even a few minutes of stillness, of following the breath, can calm and clear the mind. A wonderful resource, if you would like some guidance in this, is Mindfulness Daily, a 40-day mindfulness course that Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach are offering for free during the pandemic. Each day is a bite-sized lesson and short meditation — 10 to 12 minutes each day — and the series is deep and rich and delightfully accessible. You can access the course here: Mindfulness Daily

• Check in with your breath a few times a day, taking one or two or three breaths with complete attention. It helps to have a trigger. Some people take one deep breath each time before they check their phone or a text. Another possibility: right now all of us are washing our hands a lot. Two deep breaths takes about 20 seconds, and is a lot more satisfying than singing “Happy Birthday” in your head for the umpteenth time. Fully engage with your breath, and enjoy the sensual pleasure of soapy water on your hands.

Please share your experiences or questions in the comment section.

0 thoughts on “Invitations: Mindfulness of Breath

  1. Not that it is the sane thing to do, but I will say what comes to my mind (my environmental mind, I would say) we are just to many. We living this moment are realizing that we are too many for the planet, and thus we are brushing against many other beings, can´t say that I know where we are going, and it doesn´t matter when you are close to the end of the rope, but life seems won´t be the same for many. So how do I want this to change me ? be ever more aware of the gift of been alive.